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I am a Scientist, in the old and broad sense of the word. I have dedicated my whole life to improving the lives of others, through discovery and research. I have worked in many branches of science (biology, chemistry, biochemistry, mechanics, electronics, materialography, photography, physics) I have obtained awards, mentions, patents and above all the satisfaction that my research has helped people to have a life I am a professor and I try to instill in my students the methodology and passion for science in a time when it seems that the internet has an answer for everything. Although I am no longer in my best years, I do not give up, I keep research and looking for answers



Granted Student and Researcher

Hospital Ramón y Cajal-Madrid


University of Basque Country (UPV-EHU)

Graduate in Chemistry

Technical Manager

SEIC -S.COOP. Enviromental and food quality consultig services.

INASMET Technological Center

Manager and Researcher

TECNALIA Tecnological Corporation

Project manajer


University of Álcala de Henares

Ph. D. in Biochemistry


Engineering College of Guipuzcoa, Alava and Navarra. Deusto University

MS. Environmental Management

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